Fr. James Kirkpatrick, Pastor
Office: 694-0540  |  Religious Ed: 694-4540
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for the week of March 19th, 2017
Fr. James Kirkpatrick Dear Parishioners,

On Monday, April 3rd at 7pm we will he celebrating a Reconciliation Service. This is a good opportunity to go to Confession. Confession provides us with a unique opportunity for self-reflection and spiritual growth. It helps us to own the things we've done wrong. It also helps us to move beyond them. Sometimes it may be uncomfortable, but it's good to get our sins out of our spiritual system. Take that opportunity on April 3rd or on a Wednesday during Lent from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Also, this week and next week will be Commitment Weekend for our Upon This Rock efforts. You will have a chance to make a pledge at Mass. As I have been saying, you do what you can do. Thank you for your patience, understanding and generosity with regard to Upon This Rock. It's a worthy cause to donate to. I've made a pledge myself.
Christ's peace,

        Fr. Jim Kirkpatrick
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PS: This month is the final push for Upon This Rock. I thank everyone who is able to contribute. It is very much appreciated. I know many of you are unable to contribute or want to do charitable giving elsewhere. That's certainly fine. You do what you can do. The last two weeks of March will be commitment weekends. So you will have a chance to make a pledge or contribution then as well. Many thanks for your cooperation and understanding during this initiative.